Photo by Lucy Barribal copyright RSC
Photo by Lucy Barribal copyright RSC
About me
I was born in England in Punk’s Year Zero, weaned while my dad morris danced in a folk revival that had to look back as the slogan No Future took hold. The same year the Tate’s “pile of bricks” by Carl Andre exploded in the media and rises in racial tensions broke into violence at Notting Hill Carnival. My year zero is remembered as culture’s struggle with nostalgia and desperation for authenticity, a fresh start made impossible by its own nihilism.
Here, then, begins a fascination with placemaking and power in a country obsessed with (constantly reworked) history.

These interests are clear in all the bespoke co-production projects I devise and deliver, which are always keenly human and accessible for people often classified as disengaged with culture. Recent commissions include:

  • a National Trust commission working with farmers

  • a Royal Shakespeare Company commission with a Green Therapy Group

  • an international collaboration with people in 25 different prisons

  • a county council archives project with care leavers and refugees

  • a Royal Horticultural Society programme with two UK prisons

“It has been a pleasure to work with Faye, as she has helped us to hold our nerve whilst taking risks and working in an entirely new way. She has been sensitive and truly listened to everyone involved… the work is of great quality.”

Sarah Kay, curator, National Trust

Faye’s strong interpersonal skills, and openness to working in partnership meant she was able to build a strong rapport with the local community as both subjects and collaborators. The work was received incredibly well.”

Mark Richards, director, Metal Peterborough

Working with Faye is a treat. Her dedication and compassion are boundless and are evident in the astonishingly high quality artworks produced with her guidance and support. Her project has raised our profile and raised the spirits of everyone involved. We’re very keen to work with her again!”

Sarah Unrath, Engagement Manager, Prison Creative Arts Project


Get in touch if you’d like to commission a bespoke project to connect the public with your site or collection, or if you represent a group that would benefit from creative engagement.

My community interest company Creeq is also seeking additional international partners for future prison-linked projects, so please drop us a line if your organisation engages creatively with the criminal justice system inside or outside the UK.

All follow a social equality agenda and use my expertise in creating meaningful partnerships to achieve positive experiences for participants and impact for audiences and organisations. Connections with the natural environment and wellbeing are often central to this and projects are delivered with sustainability in mind.

Photo by Charlie Flounders
Photo by Charlie Flounders
Photo by Scott Tompkins copyright PCAP
Photo by Scott Tompkins copyright PCAP